Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

Aww Mondays

This lovely creature was on our back fence the other day. There was another one with a white body and almost burgundy accents in the wings. I never did capture an image of it, but I will be on the lookout for it the next couple of weeks.

Monday’s Music Moves Me

The theme this week at 4W is work. Actually it is to acknowledge National Boss/Employee Exchange Day. The concept is for a boss and employee exchange positions for a day to appreciate the workload of both positions. I know that Walmart used to send staff from the home office into the stores once a year to get a better idea of all the things that can go right or wrong in a store on any given day.

It will come as no surprise that most working songs are going to come from Country music. Yes, rock/pop music has their share of working tunes but country music is where the story is told. I loved my professions and always worked with great people but I know that some folks get stuck in a position that just makes them miserable. They can’t wait till the day they can tell their employer to “Take This Job and Shove It”.

20 thoughts on “Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

  1. It’s so true some get stuck in a job they hate. I also know that many employers of non-professional positions tend to not appreciate their employees as they should as if they have some sort of chip on their shoulder or maybe they are miserable doing what they do which is translated on down the chain. It’s really sad. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly and fairly despite their position. Great set of songs for this week. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

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  2. Beautiful shot of whatever bug that it. It’s beautiful.

    Love your playlist and now Take This Job and Shove It is stuck in my head. I love that song.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, my friend. 🙂

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  3. Oh my that dragon fly is gorgeous- you are one talented photographer! and the work music is so fun! The first song I should have sung to a florist shop owner ( who had just bought our store from a very nice previous owner) who said and I am not kidding ” I need more young people working here instead of all you old people” Most of us quit but some were smarter and waited for him to fire them. Have a sunny and happy day!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. XmasDolly aka Marie

    Huey Lewis and Garth Brooks REALLY rocked the house didn’t they? All your tunes really rocked my friend. You have some really good taste in music! Oh, and that bug.. hmmm not that I like bugs cuz I don’t, but it sure is purrr-tee!!!! Have a great day and nice to talk to you again my friend. Yep, I’m back!!! WOO HOO! YOU SO ROCK MY FRIEND! HAVE A GREAT DAY & I HOPE YOU & YOURS ARE DOING GREAT!!!!

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  5. Alana Mautone

    What a lovely dragonfly capture! I can agree with your observations of country and working oriented music, although Billy Joel has tackled the topic of work in several of his hits (Piano Man, Allentown, Movin’ Out, plus the one I used, Downeaster Alexa. I did enjoy the Huey Lewis/Garth Brooks collaboration, which I had never heard before.

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