Awesome Monday’s Music Moves Me

Awesome Monday

This week I am using the tag Awesome instead of the usual Aww…some Monday because we have another graduation to attend. The grandson and youngest of the grand crew will graduate high school this coming Saturday morning. It is an awesome achievement but a bittersweet time realizing that all the grand crew are now young adults. The time has passed so quickly but we have been blessed having them all grow up in our town. Nana and I have been to numerous baseball games, basketball games, and choir concerts the he has participated in. We would not have missed this for the world. Future plans for him currently include trade and entering the workforce.

Senior – Class of 2022

Monday’s Music Moves Me

This week the theme at 4m is cars and racing in honor of the upcoming Indy 500. I grew up in the 60’s muscle car era so finding songs about cars and racing is truly in my wheelhouse, so I have decided to put just a bit of a spin on the theme. In the 60’s, if you were at the height of your professional career, a country music star, or just wanted to ride in the lap of luxury, you owned the biggest car on the planet…a Cadilliac!

Have a blessed week.

14 thoughts on “Awesome Monday’s Music Moves Me

  1. He’s most handsome. Congratulations on his upcoming graduation.

    Love all the car songs. Well done.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed Awww Monday and week, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats to the grandson on this milestone! I know you and Nana are proud. This young fella favors his grandpops. 🙂 Nice song selections. You brought two new tunes to my ears with your last two picks. Thanks for joining the 4M crew on the dance floor, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!

    Liked by 1 person


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