Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

Aww  Mondays

While out on a recent photo walk I remembered that I had not photographed any dogwood trees this year.  Typically the dogwoods bloom immediately after the redbuds.  For Ozark fishermen the dogwoods in bloom mean that the crappie are biting and the bass will soon be spawning.  I managed to find a few dogwood trees around town and captured a few images for your enjoyment.





Monday’s Music Moves Me

This week the theme at 4M is Angels.  Angels is an awesome topic and a big thanks goes out to our co-hostess at for giving us this theme .  The best place to find angels is in the Bible.  They serve all sorts of rolls but the most common one seems to be as God’s messengers.  It was an angel that delivered the message to Mary that she would give birth to the Savior of  the world, God’s only Son.  It was an angel that rolled back the stone at the tomb of Christ to reveal to Mary Magdalene that Christ had risen.  The book of Revelation tells us of seven angels responsible for seven churches.  Time as space do not permit me to elaborate here, but rest assured that God has provided each of His children with a guardian angel and know that there are angels among us.

On the lighter side, angels have been the subject of songs forever and I will present a couple of them here.  I can say that I appreciate jazz music in nearly all of it’s forms, but in the mid-sixties I really enjoyed contemporary jazz, specifically the music of Miles Davis and Dave Brubeck.  My first introduction to the latter artist was the iconic album, “Time Out” but it was the cover art and title song from a later album that sealed the deal for me.

Pop music has been singing about angel like qualities in people since the beginning. In 1960 Bobby Vee virtually cloned The Clovers 1956 release of Devil or Angel and it became one of his early hits.

What would become known as “Do Wop”, pop music of the 50’s & early 60’s had a multitude of angelic titles. Pretty Little Angel Eyes was a great song, but I can promise you that my worst night on the dance floor never looked like this.

Let’s put a cap on this with the haunting voice of Ms. Sarah McLachlan and Arms of an Angel. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay close to home.  Have a blessed week.

24 thoughts on “Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

  1. The blossoms are most beautiful. I love spring and it’s good to know what’s biting in the waterways.

    Great job on capturing Angels. I love Little Binky too.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Driller,

    I love dogwood blooms! Our neighbor has a couple of the white dogwood trees along the road. A couple of years ago I managed to snap a few pictures during their glorious peak. This year the dogwoods came and went barely noticed. Actually, the dogwoods were out by the end of March and some had already passed their peak. I remember this only because that was the last time I was away from the house. Normally April is a time for Knoxville to make a fuss over the dogwood season with the city’s annual Dogwood Art Festival. Let’s hope next spring everyone is able to enjoy these simple pleasures again.

    I believe in angels. God has given His children a guardian to keep watch over us and there has been many time that ours has done miraculous things to keep us from harm. We know there is no other explanation except for the unseen hand of an angel protecting us. I also featured Sarah McLachlan’s ‘In The Arms of An Angel’. It’s such a beautiful song.

    Thanks for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor. Be well and have a boogietastic week, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. XmasDolly

    You would’ve thought I would & everyone else playing along would’ve thought of Sarah McLachlan, but you were the only one so far that I’ve seen. Mr. you were definitely made to play along with us at 4M. You’re an expert to say the least. I thank you for joining us. Your other tunes are also impeccable. You have a great day, may you & yours stay healthy & protected by our angels above. hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I must have been the first stop on your hop because I know of two others that found Sarah McLachlan tunes appropriate for the theme. She has such a beautiful voice. Today was a very good day and I thank the One who provides the angels to watch over me and my family. Have a blessed week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I would love to have that tree in our garden. The flowers look so delicate, but are so strong. Thanks for the mewsic and the dance…and what a dance..MOL…The first song of Alabama gave Granny goosebumps again, it’s very beautiful😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Where I live in upstate New York, the dogwoods bloom in May, and we have both white and pink dogwoods. When they are out, it is such a pretty time of year, so I thank you for the sneak preview. Ad I also thank you for the doo-op and the jazz. This was a nice theme, indeed.



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