Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

Soon another chapter will close in the life of our family. Saturday was “Senior Day” for her college track team. Yes, our youngest grand daughter is competing in her final year of college athletics. It is a bittersweet time for this old papa with a camera. We have watched soccer, dance, and track events since this young woman was playing under-8 soccer. She always had a competitive spirit that drove her to accomplish things that some would tell her was not in her future. The results speak for themselves. She won a conference championship in high school and finished second in the state as a high jumper. At one point she was in the top 50 of high school senior jumpers nationally. She won another conference championship as a college freshman and now her career is drawing to a close. It’s been a journey that I wouldn’t miss for the world.

Monday’s Music Moves Me

This is Easter week, so I am going to depart from the assigned theme and focus on music that reminds us of the the greatest sacrifice in all of history and the fact that God loves us more than we will ever know. How can we not give Him or love and praise for what He has done.

17 thoughts on “Aww…some Monday’s Music Moves Me

  1. I’m happy to say that I’ve watched her grow up and achieve so many wonderful goals. She’s most talented and she will continue to achieve many wonderful things as an adult. She has great bones.

    Love your music choices and it’s perfect that you chose your own path for this weeks music. Excellent.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, my friend. :)


    1. It is hard to believe that I am rolling up on my seventeenth anniversary in cyber space and I think you began commenting during by second year, so we have been blogging buddies for sixteen years. Yes, you have pretty much seen everything I have ever posted regarding the grand crew. It all started with Brain Freeze in 2007. In 2009 you convinced me to move to WordPress and Driller’s Place was born. Heaven only knows if I will still be doing this much longer. It has been a great run though and you have made it worthwhile. Thanks for you kind words and support along the way. Have a most blessed week.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that you’ve been there every step of the way for your granddaughter – I know she loves and appreciates it, too. Those special bonds are super important! And I love your song choices, my friend.


  3. I feel like I am intruding here as you all know eachother so well. But your post was lovely and full of great things. Your grand daughter sounds amazing. I wish her and all of you the very best.

    Great music choices for Easter have a blessed week and weekend.💜💜


    1. You are absolutely not intruding here as your visits are always welcome. I am a very blessed man to have wonderful grandchildren that live close by and are making their way in this challenging world. The music is simply a reflection of my gratitude and faith is the One who created me and love me more than anyone else. Thank you again for stopping by.

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  4. I know you’re proud of your granddaughter and her accomplishments. Your involvement in her life has been a joy. How blessed you are for these experiences. I know she will treasure the memories always near or far. Congratulations to her!

    As always, I enjoyed your music of worship and praise. Without Jesus’ sacrifice and fulfillment of prophecy because He lives is truly what allows me to face tomorrow. Jesus Christ is King!


    1. I am indeed blesses beyond most men and far beyond my own expectations. The grand kids have always been a source of pride and joy for us and that is also a blessing that not everyone enjoys. Once we understand exacty what Christ has done for us, how can we not give Him all of our praise and worship? Have a blessed week.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Alana Mautone

    One of the few constants in our lives is change. Perhaps this is a bittersweet time but all your grands have had your love and support, and your youngest grand will go forth into adult life with all that you taught her and supported her in. Whatever happens in your next chapter in life, I wish you the best. Alana ramblinwitham



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