Aww…some Mondays/Monday’s Music Moves Me


My Aww…some pup Lucy. They say that you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy an American Cocker Spaniel pup and that’s the same thing! If it’s true that pets reduce stress and contribute to a longer life, then I’m gonna live to be a hundred! Have a blessed week.


Monday’s Music Moves Me

The theme for this week is Songs that Mention Beverages in the Title. If you’re looking for a drinking song, country music is where it’s at. In country music, the first undisputed king was Hank Williams. His son, Hank Jr. also became a huge success in the business and is probably most famous for the original Monday Night Football theme song and video. Early in Jr’s career he covered a lot of his father’s music. So you say you want a beverage song…how about “A Tear in My Beer”?

For the blues fans and wine connoisseurs out there, my favorite might just be Delbert McClinton and Two More Bottles of Wine.

If your the type that likes little umbrellas in your drink then Garth Brooks has just the thing for you with Two Pina Colodas.

And for those of you who fancy hard liquor then Travis Tritt & Marty Stewart have you covered with “The Whiskey Ain’t Workin’ Anymore”.

Pick your poison and have a blessed week.

23 thoughts on “Aww…some Mondays/Monday’s Music Moves Me

  1. Driller,

    I wish the NFL still used Hank Williams Jr opening routine. There’s never been a good song intro since him. I haven’t liked a single artist since Jr with the exception of Faith Hill. All of your beverage drinks are new-to-me. I think if I have to pick from your songs, then I’ll say no thanks to the poison. lol I never got on board with drinking alcoholic beverages and everyone always said it’s a required taste. I am like, why do I want to subject myself to something that doesn’t instantly wow me? I’m happy with my coffee, tea, and soft drinks. 🙂 Thanks for joining the 4M gang today on the dance floor, my friend. Have a blessed & boogietastic week!


  2. Nice selection here! I feel a certain kinship with Travis Tritt, because his family owned most of the land in this area (including where my house stands) and he went to the local high school.


    1. I have always like vocalists with a little rasp in their voice and Travis was just born for the “Outlaw Country Music”. I have another one of his vocals featured next week. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. It’s really kind of funny when I originally thought of this theme, I had coffee, tea, and sodas in mind. Of course, my post took an alternate direction and went toward alcohol and beer. It just happens sometimes. Ironically, I don’t have many country tunes in my playlist 🙂 Nicely done!



  4. I rarely drank for most of my adult life, but have gotten into wine more in the last 5 or so years (living near NY wine country may have something to do with that, hmmm). Nothing does drinking songs like country. My favorite was the Garth Brooks song, but Hank Williams Jr. and his Monday Night Football theme. were a staple of my young adult life.


  5. The thing about dogs and cats are they are so full of unconditional love – they make my heart happy! 🙂 Love your song choices, especially ‘Two Pina Coladas’. 😉 Hope you’re having an awesome weekend! 🙂


  6. greyzoned/angelsbark

    Hi Driller,
    I’m just making the rounds from last Monday’s 4M post. Was a crazy week but wanted to let you know that I didn’t forget about you! You presented some great picks. The only one we had in common is the Hank Williams & Jr song.
    I really enjoyed Delbert McClinton’s song. What a great song! Thanks for introducing me to it.
    Garth Brooks pina coladas is good too. Has that twangy country sound.
    And your Travis Twitt pick sounds like an old classic and I was surprised to find that it came out in 1991. Well, in some folks eyes, 1991 is classicly old . Those would be those youngsters out there… 🙂

    I still have to go back to my 4M post and followup with comments. Last I was there I didn’t see that you had made it by yet so if you still haven’t, here’s the link to my Bar post.

    I’m not doing tomorrow’s 4M post. Too busy with dogs this weekend. Crazy busy! See you soon though…

    Michele at Angels Bark



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