2018 Christmas Music Marathon – Day 5

I try to get the lights on the house before Thanksgiving, weather permitting, and then turn them on Thanksgiving evening. I try to keep it pretty traditional. There are no flashing lights, synchronized music/light show, or projected images…just lights, red, green, and white. It’s not that I don’t care for all of the other types of displays, I just no longer have the energy or finances to invest in all sorts of animation, lights and sound. I think a simple display of lights has a way of calming the nerves and soothing the soul.

10 thoughts on “2018 Christmas Music Marathon – Day 5

  1. yogiabb

    Starting last year we paid to have somebody put lights on the house and rent the lights from them. I have never felt comfortable on a ladder anyway. The contractor does a great job and they put them up before Halloween and we kept them dark until Thanksgiving. We add to their display with ground level lighting.

    Beautiful song. Groban is the best.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You did a great job on the outside lights. Beautiful.

    Hubby used to make the outside a winter wonderland, but he’s not allowed on ladders anymore. Much safer.

    I love the video. What a voice.

    Have a blessed day. I’ll see you tomorrow. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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